Success Stories

Bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma
Natalie Candice

Before meeting Karyn, I was a red, hot, swollen, stinging mess! I was in the worst stages of Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) and couldn’t see a light at the end of any tunnel! After hearing rave reviews of Karyn herself, InnerbalancepH bicarbonate and the beeswax balms she provided on an online support group.
I reached out and she changed the course of my skin journey.
Within days, I saw dramatic improvements on my face and arms. The redness and swelling reduced and my rashes started to clear. I had literally tried every natural product I thought was relevant to my skin type and condition, so I couldn’t believe the quick results of her product.
Almost a year later, my skin has not flared like it did before I started using the Inner balance pH protocol. Karyn has been there every step of the way, checking in and catering to my needs. I have, and will continue to refer everyone I know to Karyn who I believe will benefit from using InnerbalancepH and the beeswax balms.
After using topical steroids regularly for over 10 years, I suffered a major flair in March 2017 and decided to stop applying the steroid creams which had been my “go-to” for many years previously. Even in their most potent form I found they were not working any more. By ceasing the steroid creams, I began to flair very badly and woke one morning to find I had the common red sleeves and legs and was in a lot of pain and discomfort. With nothing else to do but look for answers I scoured the internet and stumbled across the ITSAN website and found the symptoms so many were suffering were the same as mine. Reading how long it takes to recover from TSW was heartbreaking, I was bed bound and unable to spend any quality time with my 2 young children. Over a period of 6 weeks my symptoms got progressively worse, with my mother having to visit my house morning and night to look after me. With my whole system going crazy, bright red oozing skin, loss of hair and eyebrows, it became clear that I was in for a tough time and the decision was made that I… Read more
Karyn turned our lives around. Her kind and thoughtful demeanour made it possible to try the Soda she was working with which made me realise what a wonderful product it was! We were suffering with Topical Steroid Withdrawal and within 6 months, my daughter was better. Within a month, huge leaps and bounds. The Soda bathes were the only thing my daughter used for her skin. No moisturizers. I solely thank the Soda bathes for providing my daughter comfort in a time where she was truly suffering and nothing else helped.
She was suffering with strep and staph infections when I introduced the soda and has never dealt with them since. Our whole family still uses Karyns soda when we take bathes. It makes the water smooth and leaves our skin feeling wonderful.
Thank you Karyn for sharing the news of this amazing product. You are an angel!
Reagan Kemper
Zachary L. Engram

Hi, I’m Zachary L. Engram a music producer from Utica, New York in the United States! I have suffered from a horrible case of steroid induced eczema for most of my life. For as long as I can remember my skin would go through dramatic ups and downs as each season would come in. Growing up I had been prescribed cream after cream, oral treatments from pills to syrups, some “so called” natural remedies (that I found out were not so natural), and floods of medicines and products you can get at almost any store!
I saw no REAL progress with any of them. To make one of the longest stories you would ever hear in your life short, I will get straight to the point! I was going through TSW and in a HORRIBLE STATE! “Pray for me” was my only request! My friends prayed for me and I think one of the ways my God answered us is by allowing Karyn to see the post then responding by reaching out to me. She told me about her Bicarbonate and how it could help my body to fix the INNER issues by solving one problem IMBALANCE! The bicarbonate helps…
I had some open, raw and oozing wounds on the backs of my upper thighs that would not heal for weeks. It was very painful and uncomfortable.
I tried the Neem Oil hesitant (that it would sting – it really didn’t) and also hopeful that it would help but not expecting much. After a few days of using it frequently (applying almost every hour while I was awake), I noticed the skin begin to heal and close! I was delighted!
It has now been about a week since I noticed healing starting and my skin is continuing to heal, gaining integrity again and the pain of the wounds is almost completely gone! I am now a believer and will be recommending Neem Oil to others.